The Sky´s the Limit

towards a boundless self.

Dr. Wayne Dyer, discussed the humanist approach to psychology, where our potential for self realization can actualize when we are able to more past our own barriers and limitations.

Build bridges


“Exercise was an honour among the ancients. Yoga, and Judo, in their origins, are two complete systems, two transcendental philosophies, with their technical aspects and practical applications.”

– S.R. de la Ferriere

Based on the 84 asanas of the Yoghi tradition, the Ferriz-Ferriere Yoga Method was devised and created for the general public as an indispensable discipline with active asanas in combination with movements predominantly found in the West.

It has become one of the most basic techniques of permanently improving our physical, emotional and mental health. It is truly an unsurpassed discipline. The effects of these exercises can be felt throughout the whole body. It has been recommended by education and health institutions, humanitarians, doctors, educators and corporations because of the improvements seen in it’s practitioners’ psychosomatic functions, psychomotor reactions, balanced emotions, and energy levels.

Its benefits (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) can be felt in very little time, leading to a harmony with our surroundings. Due to its softer nature everyone can practice these exercises.


  • Improves memory and concentration

  • Helps to calm and relax the mind and the body, combating anxiety and providing serenity

  • Brings harmony to glandular functions

  • Vitalizes the nervous system

  • Prevents arthritis and osteoarthritis

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Effectively works against obesity and spinal ankylosis

  • Helps to improve cardiovascular health

  • Helps to overcome respiratory deficiencies

  • Improves the flexibility of muscles, ligaments and tendons

  • Corrects bad postural habits, providing a slim figure

  • Oxygenates, cleanses and increases pulmonary circulation

  • Prolongates youth by improving flexibility in the spine

  • Prevents gastrointestinal disorders by improving digestive function

Naturally, there are many elements in the Yoga system. The discipline of exercises falls under 8 basic elements. These steps are said in the Yoga tradition to be necessary in order to rise above the animal condition. Many of these steps have arisen and evolved within different societies and cultures, and Yoga specifies these 8 steps (or “angas”) as:

1. Yama – Abstinences

2. Niyama – Rules of life

3. Asanas – positions of the body

4. Pranayama – the control of one’s breathing

5. Pratyahara – the control of one’s senses (**not the suppression**)

6. Dharana – Meditation

7. Dhyana – Concentration

8. Samadhi – Identification

The Ferriz-Ferriere Yoga Method would fall under the Asanas (positions of the body) and more specifically be a form of Grathasta Yoga (physical exercises). As can be seen, the positions of one’s body receives greater benefits when accompanied by the first two steps (vegetarianism for example), and is more profoundly complimented by greater research and knowledge.

Jnana Yoga (the Path of Knowledge) 

JNANA – YOGA is the path of knowledge, work and study. Since ancient times, the Upanishads proclaimed the superiority of this Way. It is concerned with a life based on rational study, on the Scriptures, on Science, etc.

It is said that it is the Way by virtue in which the avarana (veil of ignorance) is found to be far from the Yoghi and it is constituted by BHUMIS (planes):

The 7 Bhumis of Jnana Yoga are:

1. Subha-Iccha – Good Will

2. Vicharana – Reflextion

3. Tanu-Manasa – Spirit Subtlety

4. Sattwa- Apatti – The Perception of Reality

5. Asansakti – The Disappearance of Worldly Attractions

6. Padartha Abhavani – The Disappearance of Visible Forms

7. Turyaga – The Non-Manifested

The way of knowledge (Jnanakanda) asked for labours that the majority of people were incapable of fulfilling at the time and the Wisdom of the Old School was a virtue by which the layman had much difficulties in reaching. It is because of this that the majority had to solely reduce to Faith.

House of Culture

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